Go on, try it [thought 1]
The truth is we’re all feeling our way forward in digital. It’s a great new world where things are changing all the time. So how can you keep up?
Try stuff, then try stuff again.
If a new social or digital platform or app rises, download the app and try it. Not because you necessarily are going to use it all the time but because you need to know about it, experience it.
The app or social medium might not survive, but chances are the functionality will.
Don’t wait for a book or guide to tell you - it might be too late soon.
Take Heineken for example. They are often one of the first in their category to try new things, new functionality. Not because they think they are going to reach the masses, but because they want to understand innovation, new technology, youth culture.
They recently launched Beerwulf, leveraging the consumer trend of discovering & enjoying specialty beers with a pure digital direct-to-consumer approach. They decided to create a start up from scratch, separated from their global company around an e-commerce platform that meets both consumer & (small) brewer needs.
We created [NOFILTER] to help brands show their true character in this fantastic new digital world. And we created a book with our point of view in 19 thoughts on how to do just that. This is the first one. In the oncoming months we will publish the others one by one.
Please reach out to ask questions, comment or give us your ideas.